Dustin Dollin.

augusta 15, 2010

Last 18 days of holiday are coming and i don't want to ending this vacation! Then the 10 months in school will  be very stressful. So hard life of gymnazist ;D. I look forward to only on people in my class and breaktimes.. By four days I'll go to the summer camp Kysak again. This time on 5. turn. :D I just love it there. 

Actually, i don't have any new photos so i posted some macros of my early birthday present. I have birthday 23rd September but i'm so restless and when i saw this Vans i can't resist. Recently it happens to me often :D

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4 comentários

  1. ľúbim :)


  2. Vans je moja naj značka topánok a tie tvoje sú krásne :)

  3. vans has amazing sneakers, lovely post!

    visit, comment and hopefully follow if you love it!:) hope you do :)

  4. já jsem si taky teď koupila vansky. tyhle se mi líbí hodně! :)

