Druhý deň v Benátkach severu sme, narozdiel od toho predchádzajúceho, strávili celý celučičký v uliciach. Prekutrali sme uličky Gamla Stanu, vylihovali na lehátkach popíjajúc čerstvo upraženú kávu, poflakovali sa po prístave a deň zakončili s vyloženými nohami a vrecúškom prvej pomoci (rozumej cukríkov) na zapotrošenej vyhliadke, ktorá nám poskytla dostatočný nadhľad a pohľad na slnkom zaplavený Štokholm len umocnil fakt, že toto je mesto s veľkým M.
The second day in so called Venice of the North was a little bit different from the previous 'culture.inside' one. We spent a whole daytime wandering around in the old town. It is always enjoyable to wander around in unexplored city. We were discovering the beauties of narrow streets of Gamla stan, lazing on sun loungers while drinking freshly roasted coffee, hanging around the harbour and at the end of the day we were just chilling, enjoying view of sun-drenched city with pocket of random candies.
Kedže som si do Štokholmu na tri dni brala iba jeden ruksak, i moja garderóba sa niesla v duchuminimalizmu najnutnejšieho, aby mi ostalo miesto na suveníry aby som posledný deň (keď opustíme náš airbnb privát) nebola sťa vysokohorský nosič. Ak by vás zaujímalo, ako sa zbaliť na tri dni do ruksaku aj s kabelkou, dajte vedieť!
As long as I was allowed to take with me on board only one piece of carry-on baggage, my three-days-wardrobe was quite minimalistic,so there was be more space for souvenirs then so I avoided being mountain porter on our last day when we left our airbnb apartment for.ever. If you are interested how to pack for three day trip to one small backpack (shopper bag included), let me know!
Výmena stráží nie je zrovna najvzrušujúcejšia vec na svete, no ak vás čo i len trošičku zaujíma miestna kultúra, za pozretie nič nedáte. Tento zvyk sa odohráva každý deň o 12.15 (víkendy 13.15) na Kráľovskom paláci a trvá približne 45 minút. Celá ceremónia je doprevádzaná dychovkou.
Changing of the Royal Guard isn't the most exciting thing I have seen in Stockholm, but if you are willing to taste a little bit of swedish culture, you should give it a try. This ceremony accompanied by brass band is happening daily at 12.15 (weekends 13.15) at Royal Palace and lasts about 45 minutes and it is for free.
Zhodou náhod sme doblúdili až ku stánočku s handmade kávou a tak zmohnutí životom i zmocnili sme sa dvoch lehátok, kávy a kanelbullaru (typický švédsky škoricovník). Celé toto miestečko nás príjemne prekvapilo, chlapci od kávy nám dali mini prednášku o celom procese a neupražené i upražené zrnká sme si mohli doslova oňuchať, kedže ich mali vystavené na parapete.
We came across this small stand with handmade coffee and as we were quite tired, we grab a seat, coffee and a typical swedish kanelbullar (typical swedish cinnamon bun). The guys just know how to do business. They roasted coffee just before our very eyes, whatmore - we could also see and touch the coffee before and after roasting as they have it laid on the windowsill, while they were explaining the whole stuff to us and making fresh elixir of life for us. Goodgame coffee, well played!
Viac z tejto vyhliadky spatríte snáď čoskoro v našom Štokholmskom videu.
More from this place will be shown in our Stockholm video.
A to je vše přátelé. Viem, že som si trošku uletela na počte fotiek, no nemohla som si pomôcť, chcela som to tu mať zdokumentované dôkladne a takisto vám Štokholm ukázať v jeho plnej kráse. Dajte vedieť, či ste si mesto užili aspoň trochu somnou a či by ste nabudúce chceli radšej kratší článok,ale proste ako sa máte.^^ - D.
That should be everything. I know it is pretty overloaded with photos, but I can't help myself to make it properly as I want to remember our trip, but also show you this beautiful city in its full glory. But for sure, let me know if you enjoyed the Stockholm with me or if you are reading this, just let me know it is worth to continue writing in english. Seeya!^^ - D
The second day in so called Venice of the North was a little bit different from the previous 'culture.inside' one. We spent a whole daytime wandering around in the old town. It is always enjoyable to wander around in unexplored city. We were discovering the beauties of narrow streets of Gamla stan, lazing on sun loungers while drinking freshly roasted coffee, hanging around the harbour and at the end of the day we were just chilling, enjoying view of sun-drenched city with pocket of random candies.
Kedže som si do Štokholmu na tri dni brala iba jeden ruksak, i moja garderóba sa niesla v duchu
As long as I was allowed to take with me on board only one piece of carry-on baggage, my three-days-wardrobe was quite minimalistic,
Košeľa//Shirt - druhá ruka//2nd hand
Nohavice//Pants - Clockhouse
Botky//Shoes - H&M
Šoper taška//Shopper bag - druhá ruka//2nd hand
Výmena stráží nie je zrovna najvzrušujúcejšia vec na svete, no ak vás čo i len trošičku zaujíma miestna kultúra, za pozretie nič nedáte. Tento zvyk sa odohráva každý deň o 12.15 (víkendy 13.15) na Kráľovskom paláci a trvá približne 45 minút. Celá ceremónia je doprevádzaná dychovkou.
Changing of the Royal Guard isn't the most exciting thing I have seen in Stockholm, but if you are willing to taste a little bit of swedish culture, you should give it a try. This ceremony accompanied by brass band is happening daily at 12.15 (weekends 13.15) at Royal Palace and lasts about 45 minutes and it is for free.
Zhodou náhod sme doblúdili až ku stánočku s handmade kávou a tak zmohnutí životom i zmocnili sme sa dvoch lehátok, kávy a kanelbullaru (typický švédsky škoricovník). Celé toto miestečko nás príjemne prekvapilo, chlapci od kávy nám dali mini prednášku o celom procese a neupražené i upražené zrnká sme si mohli doslova oňuchať, kedže ich mali vystavené na parapete.
We came across this small stand with handmade coffee and as we were quite tired, we grab a seat, coffee and a typical swedish kanelbullar (typical swedish cinnamon bun). The guys just know how to do business. They roasted coffee just before our very eyes, whatmore - we could also see and touch the coffee before and after roasting as they have it laid on the windowsill, while they were explaining the whole stuff to us and making fresh elixir of life for us. Good
Viac z tejto vyhliadky spatríte snáď čoskoro v našom Štokholmskom videu.
More from this place will be shown in our Stockholm video.
A to je vše přátelé. Viem, že som si trošku uletela na počte fotiek, no nemohla som si pomôcť, chcela som to tu mať zdokumentované dôkladne a takisto vám Štokholm ukázať v jeho plnej kráse. Dajte vedieť, či ste si mesto užili aspoň trochu somnou a či by ste nabudúce chceli radšej kratší článok,ale proste ako sa máte.^^ - D.
That should be everything. I know it is pretty overloaded with photos, but I can't help myself to make it properly as I want to remember our trip, but also show you this beautiful city in its full glory. But for sure, let me know if you enjoyed the Stockholm with me or if you are reading this, just let me know it is worth to continue writing in english. Seeya!^^ - D