Helsinki sú síce pekné.urban.dizajn.všetko.dokopy, no Talin... Ten si získal moje srdco. Úzke kľukaté uličky, neškandinávske ceny, kaviarničky od výmyslu sveta, lacný alkohol. Ôsmy div sveta bola pre mňa, fínskymi cenami poškvrnenú myseľ, fakt, že len 9 eur mi tu stačilo na parádnu večeru s polievkou, druhým jedlom a dokonca aj veľkým pivom! Niečo neuveriteľné, hlavne keď si to tak porovnáme s Helsinkami, že najsuperduper ponuka dňa tam bola polievka za 9€, no nekú Napriek tomu, že som pred našou veľkolepou výpravou za lepším zajtrajškom toho o Estónsku veľa nevedela, toto rozkošné pobaltské mestečko by ste určite nemali vynechať, ak máte ba aj nemáte cestu okolo.
For today, I have decided to write also in English, so my lovely raccoonie friend Daniel (and maybe some random passers-by) could read my splendid words.^^ Although Helsinki is city, Tallinn definitely took my heart. Narrow streets, non-scandinavian prices, all sorts of cosy cafes,cheap alcohol. The Eighth Wonder of the World was for me - as temporary Scandinavian dweller with Slovak soul - fact that I was able to have full dinner even with a beer only for 9€! Such a nonsense! [When we were passing by random restaurant in Helsinki the following day, the best special offer was soup for 9€, what a deal, isn't it...] Nevertheless I didn't know much about Estonia in general before our spectacular crusade journey for a better tomorrows, this adorable Baltic city is unquestionably worth visiting.
For today, I have decided to write also in English, so my lovely raccoonie friend Daniel (and maybe some random passers-by) could read my splendid words.^^ Although Helsinki is city, Tallinn definitely took my heart. Narrow streets, non-scandinavian prices, all sorts of cosy cafes,